A big part of my newborn sessions is sibling and family photos. In fact, not one of my newborn clients has ever NOT chosen a sibling photo as one of their included images. They are a family favorite, and it is really very easy to see why. As a new mom, it is almost impossible to get all of your children smiling at the camera, or at each other, at the same time. It is a task for sure. Trust me, I have three kids of my own, and I know this to be true.

There is a lot of pressure put on that photo of all of your babies together. You want that shot. I get that. Heck, I want that shot too. I have fought my own kids to make it happen each time we add another little one to the crew. It is THE photo. Siblings can be a wild card though, let’s be honest.
I have seen it all from the siblings that come into my studio. I have watched the wildest toddler turn calm and gentle with their new baby, giving them kisses on demand and petting their hair, much to their parents’ amazement. I have also seen the opposite. Older siblings are usually more cooperative and have the ability to hold the baby independently, but they can also come with their own challenges. The big fake CHEESE smile often comes out of your older ones.

So how do we make the magic happen? I will tell you that sibling photos are the very first thing I do at a session, regardless of the ages of your children. When you come in, I am set and ready to start, wrapping your littlest baby quickly while the older kids get acclimated. I give them a few minutes, and then we begin. Give them too long and I lose them to the interesting new environment they find themselves in.

If all of your children are on the younger side (think toddlers to age 4 or 5) we will talk about what you feel comfortable with. Some toddlers are fully capable to hold a wrapped and secured infant, and some are not. If not, we will dive right into a pose similar to this one, allowing them to comfortably and safely snuggle their new little sibling. These are some of my very favorite images of siblings together.
But toddlers don’t always want to snuggle their baby. My oldest son wanted no part of his baby sister when she was born. He asked me several times when she would be returning to the hospital (he was 2 and a half). This meant that for me snuggling siblings wasn’t an option. So instead, my daughter was wrapped and placed in a basked BESIDE my angry toddler. With a little bribery, I was able to get a shot of them side-by-side, which was good enough for me considering his attitude towards her at the time. No worries, they are best friends now!

I would venture to guess that when it comes to a newborn session with siblings, it is the one part of the session parents stresses most about. Accomplishing that special photo is something I pride myself in. I have been known to make the craziest noises, use some “potty words”, sing a familiar song, and bribe them like crazy if need be. I have all the tricks up my sleeve. I pull out all the stops. Because I know it is the ONE photo you need to walk away with.

My newborn sessions include both family and sibling photos at no additional charge. I believe these photos are important and mark an important milestone in your life. Contact me to talk more about newborn sessions and what is included.